Part to Part - CT Scanning Services
Part Inspection Lab

We help companies quickly identify part deviations between products using our Metrology based CT scanning services

Part to PART

Most of our clients identify internal imaging with a personal experience in the medical industry.  However, contrary to popular belief our CT Scan services are found to be highly beneficial for inspection of industrial parts and assemblies.

Our advanced Industrial (Computed Tomography) CT Scanning services are able to aid manufacturers when inspecting difficult to measure part features with micro measurement variations from an identical or similar product.  



After two parts have been scanned, both datasets are compared together. Alignment is performed by either a best fit method or predetermined datum’s. Results are supplied in a color coded model showing deviations between each part for internal and external geometry.

In addition to the 3D color coded model, 2D cross sectional whisker plots are also included with the results to show deviations in cross sectional slices between both parts.


  • Results show differences between identical parts manufactured from different; locations, processes, or tool cavities.


  • Results show internal and external differences between both scanned partsResults can show differences in 2D cross sectional slices and in 3D.


  • Results can show differences in 2D cross sectional slices and in 3D.

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